
Showing posts from May, 2006

climatic changes

Pollution is certainly a major factor for climatic changes but the destruction of signifiant areas of forest is another who degrades profoundly environment and reduces biodiversity. The tropical rainforest attracted most attention but tropical dry forest are being lost in an substantially higher rate. The industrialisation and the growing extensive agriculture of beginning 20th century where undeniably the start for pollution and deforestation. I'm realy sad that the newspapers all around the world focus their attention more to pollution aparently principal cause of changing climate and never treats about deforestation. Last years only a few highing of world temperatures was responsable for dangerous rising wildfires deforesting great parts of dry areas in Europe and California. The rising intensity en frequence of the hurricans in Florida are another consequence, we all remember the New Orleans catastrophy in the Gulf of Mexico. An another aspect is the flash flooding of...