
Showing posts from March, 2006

amazingly painter

My english is not very well but with this blog space I wish to make it up and perhaps exchange ideas for my further development in painting. A few years ago, suddenly I lost capacity to work and felt home alone borrowing a lot; severe lumbal back pain and bilateral coxarthrose hindered me to continue sporting, gardening, travelling, housekeeping and so on. My world was so reduced in a few months that in a first step I had to fight against loosing credence in value of life. Timidly I started bicycling, reading and painting. Today I'm happy to handle pencils, painbrushes, watercolors, oils and acrylic with a certain dexterity. After four years the works piles up and despite the academic expositions all this paintings seems like unposted letters. I'm looking to promote a part, altough the most I consider as children of mine. If there 's somebody beyond the readers who have some ideas for me?!!! I 'll be very gratefull.