
Showing posts from 2006


Nowadays it's not rare to live with four generations together. Conflicts between have always existed but they are more obvious actually. A century ago no one could preview the inversion of the population pyramid, as to know thinner at the base and fatter at the top. The among old growing people is increasing all over the world . Population projections confirm that this evoluation due to better food, life hygiene and medical care will continue. Fewer children are born each year. The general fertility of humans shows a significant drop down and birth control is higher. The children wish is lower with better social life. Slacking work opportunities tend people to stay studying longer and to postpone marriage and parenthood. Strange enough in spite of higher life expectancy in better health people will retire earlier. The working class is narrowing seriously bringing financial incomes of some governments in bader low rates. Globaly the expectation is to keep so long as possible peo...

climatic changes

Pollution is certainly a major factor for climatic changes but the destruction of signifiant areas of forest is another who degrades profoundly environment and reduces biodiversity. The tropical rainforest attracted most attention but tropical dry forest are being lost in an substantially higher rate. The industrialisation and the growing extensive agriculture of beginning 20th century where undeniably the start for pollution and deforestation. I'm realy sad that the newspapers all around the world focus their attention more to pollution aparently principal cause of changing climate and never treats about deforestation. Last years only a few highing of world temperatures was responsable for dangerous rising wildfires deforesting great parts of dry areas in Europe and California. The rising intensity en frequence of the hurricans in Florida are another consequence, we all remember the New Orleans catastrophy in the Gulf of Mexico. An another aspect is the flash flooding of...

women condition

Living in a kindfull environment, better where women are relatively respected, I couldn't imagine that the condition of women still is a hot subject. I was convinced after almost fifty years battle things have changed and women are definetively abble to embraze all kinds of places in society as men. In apearence everything is done, but nothing is less true. My mother had the chance to be married with a comprehensive husband and as liberated woman she could develop her intellect and qualities to a career of business woman. I believe my father was absolutely proud of his advanced and beautifull wife. In such a middle I was myself undeniably pushed to make career myself. In order to make a link with the following generation my daughter became SuperJet pilot. In Europe as in other places in the world it is not rare to see women on the top of their country and became prime minister. But if a minority of women has enviable places in governement, business and other central positions thi...


As child playing with colours rapidly I noticed the harmony and beauty by juxtaposing contrasts. The most evidently are black/white, dark/light and warm and cold. But if you read the elements of colours by Johannes Itten, you'll see a lot more possibilities. In fact everything is a question of contrasts. This allows us to take one's bearings and live should be terribly monotonous without. Its by diferences our world becomes comprehensible. How should we apreciate silence if we don't know what's a noisy environment is? Humans always must be abble to compare and have a scale of values. In films , painture and fotografy its with differences we can situate objects and persons in space by creating an illusion of relief or profundity. What's true for Art is always true for Society. Why should we banished diferences of culture, way of live, mentalities, traditions, religions, social levels and so on? One of the most importants rights of humans should be: to be ourselfs!

mode and fashion

The portret I painted from Sonia Rykiel gives me mixed sentiments. I'm proud of the career of this characterfull woman and the charism her face reflexs. Fashion is not specialy a kindfull environment. In the years she started her business as a young women between a majority of men was certainly not easily done. Nowadays extranvagance is not rare and despite of beeing wearable sometimes I agree it can be very artisic. Last 28 september the opening of the new shop Rykiel Woman defrayed the chronic in proposing next fashion the sale of erotic objects. Its a strange idea for a famous Fashion House and however has not the same carriage of a Sex-Shop! Its a place of sensuality and pleasure associating classical products with other more avant-gardiste and provocant. Only the subsoil of the shop offers chic Sex-Toys. This space is fortunately not free, you must obligatory be escorted by a shop assistant and is forbidden to underages. Nathalie Rykiel the girl of Sonia who directs the new...

Lost Fight

Just like other years birds are singing in the trees covered with flowers and narcises are growing in the green grass of the back yard; but I can't help this year isn't like another and I don't feel like usually the spring flowing trough my blood. It took a time before I noticed why: its a year I lost my bosom friend and evidently I didn't reject the pain yet. In spite of the age difference (17) we could handdle with each other a real unconditional friendship. I don't remember if we quarreled about something. She is the kind of friend you never can replace. About two years ago she suffered from back pain and her walking was everytime very painfull. Her toubib diagnosticated spinal spinose and he doesn't let her time for reflexion about a surgical intervention. So an orthopedist took the job to operate her and placed stalk and pins. From the beginning she recovered very badly and when she returns home she could'nt come above the pain. Her last Christmas ...


Respectively: Le Jardin de Maubuisson, Pointoise by Paul Cézanne (1877) and Potager, arbres en fleurs, Pointoise by Camille Pisarro (1877) Weekly I'm painting a subject in Academy. Last week our subject was "Landscape". In a first time I was disapointed because this subject didn't interest me. How to treat a landscape in a modern way? neither worked out as a picture, neither too abstractive as most painters do nowadays???? First I wanted to find a landscape who could inspire me to paint in atelier. My ideas slipped away to all this fine artist of preceding century catching in a subtil manner the essentials of colours and forms. My eyes felt on a review with the nice landscapes of Vincent Van Gogh with his well known way of mixing colours and apearingfull paintbrushes who gives movment to all his paintings. Delightfull, but I don't want imitating him. Actually runs a famous exposition in Paris with 60 paintings of Paul Cézanne and Camille Pissarro 1865-1885. Im...


While painting flowing water I couldn't omit to think on all the benefits we have from potable water. How can I neglect the happiness and chance I have not missing it each day. Maybe in the future it could be a worldproblem. Its lack causes already the death of 15 persons in the world each 60 seconds!!! I believe there's among 1,1billion people who miss potable water and 2,4 billion suffers from deficient hygiene and hydric diseases by waterneed. Diseases as choléra, typhoïde, hepatitis, paludisme, diarrhee and so on are directly concerned by waterscarity. That's why potable water is and stays for the coming years the prime humanitary urgency. Last 22 march was international day of water. But here in Europe I didn't saw many about the subject. It seems to be overwhelmed by the social disorders in France with the strikes around the promulgation of their PCE ( prime employ contract) and the collect for fight against the Sida. In Belgium the government looses his time in...

amazingly painter

My english is not very well but with this blog space I wish to make it up and perhaps exchange ideas for my further development in painting. A few years ago, suddenly I lost capacity to work and felt home alone borrowing a lot; severe lumbal back pain and bilateral coxarthrose hindered me to continue sporting, gardening, travelling, housekeeping and so on. My world was so reduced in a few months that in a first step I had to fight against loosing credence in value of life. Timidly I started bicycling, reading and painting. Today I'm happy to handle pencils, painbrushes, watercolors, oils and acrylic with a certain dexterity. After four years the works piles up and despite the academic expositions all this paintings seems like unposted letters. I'm looking to promote a part, altough the most I consider as children of mine. If there 's somebody beyond the readers who have some ideas for me?!!! I 'll be very gratefull.